See installation schedule here
See bibliography of participants’ work on displacement and refuge here

Thursday April 20, 2023

4.30pm, Physical Sciences Building 401

Opening Remarks: Saida Hodžić (Cornell University)

Keynote Dialogue: “On Refugee Grief: An Intergenerational Remembrance”

Yến Lê Espiritu (University of California, San Diego) and Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi (University of California, Los Angeles)

This intergenerational remembrance is a portal to a discussion on refugee grief, not as a private or depoliticized sentiment but as a resource for enacting a politics that confronts the conditions under which certain lives are considered more grievable than others.

Moderator: Carla Hung (Cornell University)

6.15pm Reception: Word of Mouth

Friday April 21

AD White House
8.30am Breakfast: Cornell Express

9am Collaborations: Joining Forces

Identity and the Search for Belonging: From Palestine to Syria, to Europe, and Back

Nell Gabiam (Iowa State University); Abu Salma Khalil and Adam Khalil (Toulouse, France)

A conversation about a documentary film about the journey of Palestinian refugees from Syria to Europe, narrating the experience of displacement of the Khalil family and that of other Palestinian refugees who shared this journey.
Letters from Inside U.S. Detention

Jane Juffer (Cornell University) and Carla

A dialogue that situates the letters Carla wrote Jane from inside immigration detention as a part of the genre of the testimonial.
Collaborative Advocacy against Toxic Land Use and Migrant Detention

Emma Shaw Crane (Columbia University) and Guadalupe De La Cruz (American Friends Service Committee)

A presentation about two collaborative research projects in South Florida investigating the intersection of confinement and environmental racism and a reflection on possibilities for just collaboration between researchers and organizers to end migrant detention.

Moderator: Chantal Thomas (Cornell University)

10.45 Break

11 am Enclosures: Movements

Re-Placing Memories through Land Based Practices

Troy Richardson (Cornell University)

A presentation on the layered histories of violence toward Indigenous peoples in the US southeast orchestrated to deny Indigenous peoples access to their homelands and the ongoing struggles for and successes in maintaining land-based practices for Indigenous resilience and resistance.
Barzakh as Method, Barzakh as Process: Making Sense with the In-between in the Strait of Gibraltar

A. George Bajalia (Wesleyan University)

Building from ethnographic work in Tangier, Bajalia presents on forms of being-in-common that exist outside of, or adjacent too, categories of belonging such as migrant, immigrant, refugee, and asylum-seeker.
Migrant Encounters in Bihać: Anthropologies of Dislocation, Extraction, and Refusal

Azra Hromadžić (Syracuse University)

A reflection on multiple dislocations –the migrants’, the locals’, and the author’s —to illuminate knowledge production, ethnographic extraction, and refusal in the Balkans and beyond.
Records in Limbo: On the Lore of Crossing Borders

Amir Husak (The New School)

A work-in-progress narrated/live documentary cinema performance about the experiences of refuge and displacement – including Husak’s own – as a thorny body of knowledge in constant need of rethinking.
Short Film: The Stitch (2018, 8 min)

Asiya Zahoor (Cornell University)

This silent film portrays a challenging topography of a Kashmiri village near the Line of Control, a de facto border between India and Pakistan, as traversed and observed by a girl who engenders an alternative reality and cartography via her art.

Moderator: Masha Raskolnikov (Cornell University)

1:15pm Lunch: Angkor Cambodian

3pm Routes: Knowledges

Old Benjamin the Refugee

Vinh Nguyen (Waterloo)

A narration of Nguyen’s physical retracing of Walter Benjamin’s 1940 escape route via the Pyrenees across the French-Spanish border to explore Benjamin’s refugee experience, and in turn, the import of his thought for refugee studies.
Wanted: Refugee Returns to Germany

Saida Hodžić (Cornell University)

A reflection on the different meanings of the terms “wanted” and “return,” exploring refugees as deportable and criminalized legal subjects and former refugees/new precarious migrants as desired essential workers in the context of the German state and Bosnian post-war refugee returns.
Departure Scene: Redacted Intimacies among UnCitizens in Jordan

Eda Pepi (Yale University)

A reflection on the redaction of intimacies that arose during Pepi’s sudden departure from her fieldwork in Jordan, where dependent nationality forbids women, but not men, from passing their citizenship to children they have with foreigners.
The Place of Liminality in Writing Experiential History

Mostafa Minawi (Cornell University)

A reflection on liminality of existence as a multi-generational refugee and the author’s resulting interest in researching and writing about historical characters living inhabiting a liminal space.

Moderator: Nicole Thuzar Tu-Maung (Cornell University)

5.15pm Ghosts: Film Screening and Conversation with Director

Jeffrey Palmer (Cornell)

Ghosts tells the story of three Kiowa boys’ daring escape from a government boarding school in Anadarko, Oklahoma in 1891, to attend a ghost dance ceremony at a distant Kiowa encampment.

Moderator: Ami Yayra Tamakloe (Cornell University)

6.15 Dinner: Asempe Kitchen

Saturday April 22

AD White House
8.30am Breakfast: Gimme Coffee

9am Lives and Deaths

Stories No One Wants to Hear: Refugeehood and Diasporic Unbelonging in Bosnian Chicago

Larisa Kurtović (Ottawa University)

A series of sketches of diasporic life of Bosnian refugees—including petty cigarette smugglers, truck drivers, and those taken by the precursors of what is today known as the opioid epidemic—in the late 1990s Chicago, asking what is left of the refugee experience in the absence of a happy end.
K’s Suicide

Milad Odabaei (Princeton University)

A narrativization of K.’s story of return to Iran and suicide relating the limits of language and legibility to the queer experience of refugees.
The Feeling of Interruption

Abosede George (Barnard College)

A reflection on the recurrent feeling of life being interrupted that was the author’s condition as an undocumented person.
Proactive Grief (A Second Installment)

Eman Ghanayem (Cornell)

A reflection on how Palestinians grieve and anticipate death through the author’s personal reflections on family and community.

Moderator: Brian V. Sengdala (Cornell University)

11am Break

11.15am Borders: Ancestors

Leave Not What You Carry: Reflections on Kinship, Belonging, and Identity at the Haitian-Dominican Border

Karina Edouard (Cornell University)

A reflection on the author’s grandparent’s migration and her experience at the Haitian-Dominican border exploring the contradictions, tensions, and afterlife of border crossing as an entry point into what it means to be of a community, not simply in one.
Un/Settling: Living Borders, Materializing Elsewheres

Aradhana Sharma (Wesleyan University)

An autoethnographic meditation on unsettled and disarticulated life alongside borders, examining family lore and ethnographic vignettes that emerge out of the division of Punjab and the construction of India and Pakistan in 1947, illuminating the condition of ongoing displacement and un/settlement in a world of ever-evolving borders.
An Un/Official Archive: Passports, Phone Diaries, and Prints

Natasha Raheja (Cornell University)

A reflection on how my Sindhi refugee grandmother’s personal archive from the 1947 India-Pakistan Partition speaks to the ways nations, states, and families come together and fall apart across colonial borders in South Asia.
Connected Fields: Embodying Ethical Dhaqan in Canada

Hannah Ali (Cornell University)

A presentation on Somali-Canadians in the Greater Toronto Area who turn to dhaqan – an embodied African philosophy that prioritizes connections to ancestral land, elders, and the Somali language – to navigate social exclusions and craft ethical futures of community, family, and friendship that contest the modern Canadian state.

Moderator: Sarah R. Meiners (Cornell University)

1:15pm Lunch: Loumies

2.15pm: Writing session followed by a conversation: Your Presentation Makes Me Think Of
3:30pm Symposium End